Baby Sleep Tips: A Guide for Restful Nights

As new parents, one of the most challenging aspects of caring for a baby is ensuring they get enough quality sleep. Sleep is essential for a baby's growth and development, as well as for the sanity of exhausted parents. In this blog post, we'll explore a variety of baby sleep tips that can help both babies and parents achieve those much-needed restful nights.

Swaddle for Comfort

The feeling of security is crucial for a baby's sleep. Using a zip swaddle like the Zipadee (a popular US brand) or others that we tried on Shopee which can provide your little one with a warm and snug feeling that mimics the coziness of the womb. This can help prevent the startle reflex and promote better sleep by reducing involuntary movements that might wake them up.

Based on our observation, our baby napped significantly longer with the swaddle. Before it was around 30 - 45 mins but with the swaddle it could go up to 1.5 - 2 hours! 

We like the bamboo material zip swaddle as it's cooling enough even if AC is not turned on. Perfect for nights in Singapore when temperature is below 28 degrees or less.

We used this cotton zip swaddle when baby was <6 months, it provided a snug fit and gave her a more secure feeling

Control Room Temperature

Maintaining an optimal room temperature can make a significant difference in your baby's sleep quality. Babies tend to sleep better in a slightly cooler room, we usually set the temperature to around 25 degrees celcius if it's a hot day. Dressing them in appropriate sleepwear and using lightweight blankets can help regulate their body temperature throughout the night.

Embrace White Noise

White noise machines can be a lifesaver when it comes to creating a soothing sleep environment. These devices produce a consistent, calming sound that can drown out other background noises and help your baby fall asleep and stay asleep.

This soothing night light plus white noise machine has many sound options, night light colours and timer function. It's around $25 and you can even use it when doing yoga! Talk about multipurpose. It's rechargeable and you can move it around wirelessly.

Block Out the Light

Darkness is a cue for the body to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. Installing blackout curtains in your baby's room can help ensure that the environment is conducive to sleep, whether it's naptime or bedtime. In the first few weeks when our baby was still confused between night and day (basically she was very active at night), we let her nap in the bright living room so she could tell the difference. Once that was well established, we used the dark curtains for all her naps as well.

Massage for Comfort

A gentle massage before bedtime can work wonders in releasing any built-up gas and tension, making your baby more comfortable and relaxed. Use a baby-safe oil and follow gentle, soothing strokes to create a calming pre-sleep ritual.

In the first 6 months we used this Mustela massage oil, as the ingredients are safe and natural with no unpleasant scent or stickiness

After that we moved on to this Telon oil with Eucalyptus as we LOVE the scent and can also repel mosquitoes!


Using a pacifier is a topic that often sparks debates among parents. On one hand, pacifiers can provide soothing comfort, help with self-soothing, and reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) when used correctly. However, excessive pacifier use can lead to dependency and potentially interfere with breastfeeding. 

We got a Dentistar pacifier that is said to be more teeth friendly (prevents misalignmnet) as well as one from Philips Avent. At the end of the day, we felt that weaning from pacifier is still easier than weaning "latch to sleep". We only offer it during sleep and not during her wake times.

It's important to weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision that aligns with your parenting style and goals.

Establish a Bedtime Routine

Creating a consistent bedtime routine helps signal to your baby's brain that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Activities such as taking a bath, reading bedtime stories, brushing teeth, and changing into pajamas can create a predictable sequence of events that promote relaxation. Our baby's favourite bedtime book is Goodnight Moon and she also goes around the living room saying goodnight too all her stuffed toys.

Address Discomfort

Babies might wake up crying due to discomfort. Before jumping to conclusions, ensure that their diapers are dry, they are well-fed, and not experiencing any sickness or pain. Identifying and addressing the root cause of their discomfort can lead to better sleep for both of you.

Naptime Solutions

Naps can be challenging especially when we are not at home. Using a baby carrier like the Ergobaby Omni Breeze or Tula Explore can be a game-changer for naptime, allowing your baby to fall asleep quickly while freeing up your hands to attend to other tasks. We used this often when outside and occasionally at home too. But we try to keep naps in the cot as much as possible.

We use this Ergobaby Omni Breeze and it's the most cooling model so our baby can nap in comfort without coming out all sweaty. This can be used starting from 0 months - 4 years old so getting a good one that protects your posture is essential!

Self-Soothing Techniques

Teaching your baby how to self-soothe is a valuable skill for them to develop. The Ferber method, which involves gradually increasing intervals of soothing checks, can help babies learn to comfort themselves back to sleep. This took us 3-5 days (about half an hour each day) to settle into a new routine and soon she began to fall asleep on her own much faster.

However, using sleep training methods like the Ferber method can offer both benefits and drawbacks for parents seeking to establish healthy sleep patterns in their infants. One advantage of this approach is that it can help infants learn to self-soothe and eventually fall asleep independently. This can lead to more restful nights for both the child and parents. However, critics argue that prolonged crying can be distressing for the baby and might undermine the parent-child bond. Additionally, every child is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. It's crucial for parents to weigh the potential benefits against the emotional impact on their child and choose a method that aligns with their parenting philosophy and their baby's temperament. Consulting with a pediatrician and considering alternative approaches can help make an informed decision.

"The Pause" Method

For babies under three months, the "pause" method from the book "Bringing Up Bébé"  by Pamela Druckerman, a popular resource on French parenting, suggests waiting a brief moment before rushing in to comfort a crying baby. This can help babies learn to self-regulate and reduce unnecessary interventions. This hack became viral in late 2022 and is definitely worth trying if you have a newborn!

This book was an interesting and relatable read, highly recommend it for new parents!

Seek Professional Help

If your baby's sleep troubles persist and you're feeling overwhelmed, consider seeking help from resources like Taking Cara Babies or hiring a sleep consultant. These experts can provide personalized guidance and support to help you reclaim your sanity and establish healthy sleep patterns for your baby.

Taking Cara Babies offer sleep classes and personal online consultation, so this is worth considering if you've tried various methods to no avail.


Helping your baby sleep well is a journey that requires patience, experimentation, and consistency. By incorporating these proven tips into your routine, you can create a sleep-friendly environment that encourages restful nights for both you and your little one. Remember, every baby is unique, so don't be afraid to adapt and customize these strategies to fit your baby's specific needs. With time and effort, you'll find the right combination of techniques that work best for your family.
